Studio artists have their brushes, but then so, too, do the kitchen artists known as “cooks.”
Brushes in the kitchen are indispensable for everything from cleaning of both dishes and produce, and for actual food preparation.
They may even be one of our oldest companions in the kitchen up there with fire, because brushes were needed to clear last night’s ash out of the cooking pits so today’s cooking could begin anew.
“There were…. countless cleaning brushes designed to do all sorts of ridiculous jobs. There were tapered brushes and curved brushes, long, short, round, square and oblong brushes that their makers pretended had a specific use, though of course they didn’t at all. Most could have been used for any cleaning job. There were jug brushes, plate brushes, saucepan brushes, wallpaper brushes, floor brushes, hearth brushes, skirting board brushes, rug brushes and even celery bloody brushes!” — Jackman, Nancy. With Tom Quinn. The Cook’s Tale. London: Hodder & Stoughton. 2012. Page 124.