A Dry Pint Basket is a measurement of volume, used mostly for fruits and vegetables.
When a dry pint is meant and it’s necessary to distinguish it from a liquid pint, usually “dry” will be stated.
It does not measure weight.
- 1 dry pint = ½ dry quart
- 1 dry pint = 1 ½ cups (when referring to fruit around the size of blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc)
- 1 dry pint = 550 ml
- 1 dry pint = 33.6 cubic inches = 550 cubic cm
A North American 2 cup measuring cup will measure a dry pint out.
1 dry pint of blueberries = 350 to 400 g (12 to 14 oz)
1 dry pint blackberries = approximately 350 g (12 oz)
1 dry pint raspberries = approximately 350 g (12 oz)
1 dry pint of fresh medium-sized strawberries = 350 g (12 oz) = 3 ¼ cups whole berries = 2 cups, trimmed and sliced or halved
1 dry pint of cherry tomatoes, whole = 25 to 30 cherry tomatoes