In the world of food, there is a vast range of technical and scientific terms related to diverse fields of knowledge and practice. This includes terms describing:
- crop growing and livestock raising;
- food manufacturing, processing, distribution, and sale;
- nutrition;
- food laws;
- the science of what happens to our food when preserved or cooked.
Knowing what technical terms mean is not vital to putting a good meal on the table, but curious cooks will want to refer to them from time to time to expand their understanding of just what a “Best Before Date” does and doesn’t mean, or why recipes often call for meat to be browned in a pan before braising.
This area of the site holds CooksInfo’s collection of such terms.
Technical terms related to the act of cooking in a kitchen are listed separately in another area of the site under Cooking Techniques.
See also: Kitchenware
Related entries
- Accolade
- Acetic Acid
- Air-Layered
- Alliumophobia
- Alpha Amylase
- Alum
- Alveograph
- Anodised Aluminium
- Ascorbic Acid
- Bake Sales
- Best Before Dates
- Buffets
- Butyric Acid
- Caramelization
- Carbonic Acid
- Carnauba Wax
- Chocolate Bloom
- Citric Acid
- Collops
- Corm
- Cracker Barrel
- Crèmes
- Cucina Casalinga
- Cultivar
- Deipnophobia
- Dioecious Plants
- Docker Holes
- Du Jour
- Dunking
- Etiolation
- EU Official Food Designations
- F1
- Firkin
- Food Holidays: Where Are They All Coming From?
- French Revolutionary Calendar
- Gastrique
- Gâte-sauce
- Gomme Arabique
- Gueridon Service
- Hock Locks: Turkey leg fasteners
- Hybrid
- Invaiatura
- Kosher
- Lachanophobia
- Lime (Chemical)
- Listeria
- Lye
- Mageirocophobia
- Maillard Reaction
- Malic Acid
- Measurements
- Open Pollinated
- Organic Food
- Ostraconophobia
- Oxalic Acid
- Pack Date
- Pasteurization
- Pavé: A flat piece of food, usually meat, cheese or bread
- Phosphoric Acid
- Pickling Lime
- Plant Variety Protection
- Pome
- Potassium Nitrite
- Potluck Suppers
- Quinine
- Roman Holidays
- Russian service
- Scald (Fruit)
- Sell-By Dates
- Silicon Dioxide
- Slabs
- Sodium Nitrate
- Sodium Nitrite
- Stages of Cooked Sugar Syrups for Candy – Temperature Guide
- Stufatura
- Subacid
- Sweet-and-Sour
- Thread Stage
- Umami
- Use-By Dates
- Yatai
- Ye Shi
- Yearling