The Fenugreek plant is an annual that grows from seed to maturity in 110 days. It can grow about 2 feet tall (60 cm.) It will produce white flowers, and then long green pods, with each pod having about 20 seeds in it.
The leaves are used as an herb. The plant is cut when it is 8 inches tall (20 cm), or when it is just a seedling and still all tender. It is bundled like an herb. The stem of the more mature plant is tough, so only the top part of it is used.
It’s used a good deal in Indian and Iranian cooking.
Fenugreek leaves can be bought fresh or dried.
Cooking Tips
The leaves, the top part of the stem on mature plants, and all of the seedling plants can be used raw in salads. The herb doesn’t really have much taste or aroma, though, until cooked. To use dried Fenugreek leaves, strip the leaves off and use them and discard the tough stalks.
History Notes
Was used by the Egyptians.