The creamy-white flesh is finely-textured, crisp, aromatic and juicy with a sharp, mildly-sweet taste with a balancing tartness.
In East Anglia, England, George Cave Apples are often ready for harvest by the end of July, but certainly by mid-August.
The tree is a reliable bearer, but once the apples are ripe, some of them may drop from the trees.
Cooking Tips
For fresh-eating.
Storage Hints
Does not store well. George Cave Apples turn soft in storage.
History Notes
George Cave Apples were developed by a Mr George Cave in Dovercourt, Essex in 1923 from a chance seedling, George Cave Apples were only introduced in 1945 (by W. P. Seabrook & Sons nursery in Boreham, Essex), at which time the apple was named after George Cave.