Spuma di Zabaione is zabaglione with whipped cream stirred into it after cooking.
Italian Desserts
Zabaione Gelato
Zabaione gelato is a term for versions of zabaglione that are definitely meant to be served cold. These are always sweetened versions of zabaglione meant as a dessert. “Zabaione Gelato” sometimes use a small amount of gelatin. History Notes In the 1900s, with the advent of refrigeration, frozen versions of zabaglione became popular.
Zuccotto is a cake made in Tuscany in the shape of a dome, or, some say, a skull cap. It consists of pieces of sponge cake (Pan di Spagna) along with whipped cream or mousse, chocolate and nuts. It often has a layer of fruit for its base. To make Zuccotto you line a mould…
Zuppa Inglese
Zuppa Inglese, which means literally “English Soup”, has nothing to do with England or soup. It is an Italian dessert which is like trifle. There are many variations (see below), but in general a pan or dish is lined with sponge cake or lady fingers that have been soaked in a liqueur called “alchermes.” Alternating…