Screw pine is a generic name for several varieties of trees that are closely related, but none of which is a pine tree at all. In fact, they look like palm trees, with long, thick, dark-green leathery leaves, shaped like swords. Some varieties of screw pine are cultivated for their fruit, which is edible. Some…
Screw Pine
Screw Pine Essence
Screw Pine Essence is a pale, yellowish-orange extract distilled from the male flowers of the Screw Pine. The Screw Pines are cultivated. The variety named Pandanus odoratissimus (aka Pandanus fascicularis, Pandanus tectorius) is preferred as being the most fragrant. The flowers grow about 18 to 20 inches (45 to 50 cm) tall, surrounded by leaves….
Screw Pine Leaves
Screw Pine Leaves add a green colouring to food. They are used in Indonesian, Malay and Thai cooking, but not Indian. They are added to rice as it is cooking, it is boiled with water for a drink, used as a flavouring in desserts, and used as a wrapper for cooking food in. The leaves…
Screw Pine Water
Screw Pine Water is a diluted version of Screw Pine Essence and therefore less expensive. It is sold as a clear liquid. You can buy natural or artificial. In Northern India, it is used mostly to flavour sweets. Sometimes, it is sprinkled over rice before serving.