Agogio Olives are medium-sized olives grown in Umbria, Italy. They are used for both black table olives and for making oil from. For table olives, they are harvested when black. The olives don’t yield a lot of oil, but the oil is sweet and very highly regarded, especially locally.
Umbrian Food
Amaro Montenegro
Amaro Montenegro is a clear, amber-coloured Bitters that is somewhat sweet with a spicy, citrus taste. Somewhat less bitter than other Bitters, its bitter notes come at the end of the taste. it is made from over 40 herbs and spcies from around the world. Some tasters have guessed that its ingredients include vanilla and…
Castelluccio Lentils
Castelluccio Lentils are : Heritage lentils grown in the Italian Apennines. They are brownish-green lentils with thin skins. They are very small and light: 1,000 of these lentils weigh only 23 g (some estimates say 25 to 26 g.) The lentils are named after Castelluccio, Umbria in the Apennine mountains of Italy. The area is…
Colfiorito Red Potatoes
Colfiorito is in fact a trade name given to a Désirée potato grown in Colfiorito, a town in Umbria, Italy. Growers there claim that Désirées taste their absolute best when raised in their particular climate zone, on the mountainous Appenine slopes. Production is managed by the “Cooperativa Colfiorito.” The potatoes are often sold on the…
Pendolino Olives
Pendolino Olives are small to medium-sized olives grown for oil with a 20 to 20% oil content. The oil is considered good quality. The oil is light green with a light purple blush. The tree, which is a cultivar, is a good pollinator for other olive trees, but cannot pollinate itself. It tolerates lower temperatures….
Prosciutto di Norcia
Prosciutto di Norcia is a version of prosciutto made in the towns of Cascia, Monteleone di Spoleto, Norcia, Poggiodomo and Preci, in Perugia, Umbria, Italy. It is made as a pear-shaped joint of meat, and is pink to pinkish red. The finished product will weigh a minimum of 18 ½ pounds (8 ½ kg.) It…
Strangozzi is a pasta that is a thicker, less smooth version of spaghetti whose rougher surface allows sauces to cling better than they can to spaghetti. The dough is made with semolina and water. You can also buy the pasta with porcini mushrooms added to the pasta dough, or with the dough made from spelt…