© Denzil Green
Australian Natural Lake Salt is harvested from Lake Deborah (and others in the area) in Western Australia. The has a mild, not harsh, salt taste.
In the dry seasons, the water evaporates from the lakes completely, leaving a salt crust on the lake bottoms. During rainy season, the lakes fill back up with water, dissolving some of the salt crust.
In the summer, the rain water evaporates again, leaving behind the dissolved salt to be harvested.
The salt crust is harvested by machine graders, and left in rows. Harvesting trucks scoop up the rows of salt, and take it to outdoor stockpiles at Koolyanobbing.
The salt is then washed to remove any debris, dried, packaged and sent to market.
The salt is sold either coarse (irregularly shaped crystals) or ground finely. Package sizes are 250g boxes for consumers, and 500g pouches for food professionals.
The salt is harvested by WA Salt Supply, but sold under other labels.
The salt crystals have trace elements of magnesium and potassium in them.