Casertano Pigs are pigs that are raised semi-wild in Campania, Italy, and allowed to roam in pastures and oak or chestnut forests.
They are a cross between wild boars in the Avellino, Benevento, Caserta and Salerno areas of Campania, and the “pata negra” pig from Spain.
The pigs have dark, slate-coloured skin and thin, short legs. They have a narrow, rectangular snout, with very few bristles, and two wattles (called “bargigli” in Italian; “sciucquaglie” in dialect) on the sides of its neck.
There is a producers association, called “Consorzio Allevatori Razza Suina Casertana” in Caserta, founded by 10 breeders. They are currently (2007) seeking PDO protection for the pig.
Consorzio Allevatori Razza Suina Casertana. Il “pelatello teanese”ovvero il maiale nero casertano. Retrieved September 2006 from