The neck of the large ones have an undeniable resemblance to a certain part of the human male anatomy, though at a size that would have you set for life as a porn film star. The amount of the clam that is in the shell is insignificant compared to its neck. Geoducks generally bury themselves 2 to 3 feet down under the bottom (1 metre.) They use their long necks, which have two nostrils at the end, to suck water down to their bodies.
They have to be harvested individually by divers.
Cooking Tips
Geoducks need to be cooked. The neck needs to be skinned (parboil first).
Blanch entire Geoduck for no more than 10 seconds. Shuck the clam, and carve the clam free of the shell. Chop the neck off from the inside meat. Peel the skin off the neck, then slice the neck in half lengthwise. Wash all the meat well. Pound the neck meat with a meat mallet to tenderize it, and cut it up to the size of pieces needed. Asians often don’t pound it; they just slice it thinly instead.