Lingot Beans come in two varieties. Both are creamy and plump when cooked.
The beans are grown primarily in France, but also in Argentina, China and Madagascar.
Lingot du pays Ariégeois
These are Lingot Beans grown in the Ariége Valley. They are planted in May. Harvesting can be done by machines.
Lingot du Nord
These are Lingot Beans grown on around 100 hectares (2005 figures) on the Plaine de la Lys.
The beans are very thin, with a tender skin so no soaking is needed. They are sold only in the year they are harvested.
Lingot Beans have both a Red Label and PGI designation.
The association and brand was created to counter competition from farmers in other countries, whom they felt grew inferior Lignot beans.
Cooking Tips
Do not soak in Lingot Beans in advance. Put in cold water, bring the water to a boil and let them cook for 10 minutes. Drain, put in a pot with plenty of unsalted cold water with some herbs. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce heat let simmer for 1 hour.
Navy Beans, White Kidney Beans
History Notes
Lingot Beans were developed in Lignot, France.