Pane frattau is a Sardinian dish made from the large, crisp flat rounds of Sardinian bread called “pane carasau.”
Other ingredients are meat broth, tomato sauce, grated pecorino cheese, and egg.
You dip the bread in the broth, but not too long — the bread mustn’t become soggy, then lay the bread out in an oven-proof dish, and cover with some heated tomato sauce and grated pecorino cheese.
You make several layers like this until the dish is just about full.
Then, you top it all with an egg (or several) that has been poached in the broth, and a final sprinkling of the cheese.
Then, heat it all through in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes.
Traditionally, the meat broth would have been without fail from mutton or lamb.
Poorer versions were made without the egg.