Partridge are very small, mild-flavoured birds. As they are so small, you generally cook 1 per person.
Some firms in the UK specialize in buying partridges that have been shot at game shoots, and readying them for supermarkets. Commercially-sold partridges are aged in a chiller, rather than at room temperature, so that they don’t develop that stronger, gamey taste.
Cooking Tips
Roast for 20 minutes at 400F / 200C. Then, depending on the size of the bird, roast for an additional 5 to 15 minutes at 320F / 160C.
Language Notes
A group or flock of partridges is called a “covey”.
In French, there are two words for partridge. “Pedrix” is a female partridge; “perdreau” is a male one. In cooking, though, “perdrix” is used to indicate an old bird, and “perdreau” to indicate a young one.