Semi-Dried Tomatoes are still largely unknown (as of 2007) to North American foodies, though foodies in London had already come to dread seeing them everywhere by 2003.
Unlike Sun-dried Tomatoes, which are fully dried into a kind of fruit leather, Semi-Dried Tomatoes are plump, moist and supple.
They are usually sold packed in oil, often sunflower oil, with herbs and other seasonings. You can use the flavoured oil as well in dishes.
They are sold either loose at deli counters, or in sealed packages in the chiller cabinets.
Cooking Tips
Semi-Dried Tomatoes don’t require any soaking, as do Sun-dried Tomatoes. Use as is.
Sun-dried tomatoes soaked in warm water for about 2 hours or slow roast tomatoes halves at about 200 F (100 C.)
In May and October 2009 in Victoria State, Australia, an outbreak of hepatitis A linked to semi-dried tomatoes contaminated with fecal matter caused health authorities to advice consumers to cook the tomatoes before eating them. [1,2]
[1] Miller, Nick. Semi-dried tomato warning. The Age. Melbourne, Australia. 10 October 2009.
[2] ABC News. Semi-dried tomatoes linked to hepatitis A spike. 10 October 2009. Retrieved 25 October 2009 from