The cloves can be just smoked, or smoked and dried. Smoked, dried garlic is sold in stores as whole bulbs. It will have a golden-brown colour. It needs to be cooked up in a liquid to rehydrate it.
To make your own Smoked Garlic Cloves at home, you basically proceed as you would for for Roasted Garlic, but roast them in a smoker over wood chips, and put the garlic bulbs on grills instead of wrapping them up or putting them in a covered dish (which would of course prevent the smoke from getting at them.) Some people peel both the bulbs and the cloves, but you will need a fine grill to put them on so they don’t fall through.
If you are smoking the bulbs with hot smoke (160 to 180 F / 70 to 80 C), you coat them in oil, and end up basically with soft roasted garlic that has been smoked.
If you are smoking the bulbs with cold smoke (up to 160 F / 70 C), they will cook, smoke and dry. No oil is used. The cloves will reduce to half their size. You can store these homemade smoked, dried garlic cloves in a cool, dry place for up to 3 weeks.
Note that smoking garlic is mostly a flavour enhancing technique, not a long-term preservation method.