Snack Jack Pumpkins are round, slightly tall, with bright orange rind with slight ribbing.
They will weigh 2 to 2 ½ pounds (around 1 kg), and have hull-less seeds. (Hull-less pumpkin seeds aren’t really hull-less; they just have a very thin seedcoat on them that doesn’t need removing before eating the seeds.
The pumpkins can be used for pies, though it was bred particularly to produced the hull-less seeds for the snackseed trade.
The plant is a semi-bush type with high yields of 2 to 5 Snack Jack Pumpkins per plant.
95 to 100 days from seed.
History Notes
Snack Jack Pumpkins were developed by Dr J. Brent Loy at the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station in the 1980s.
Loy, Brent J. Hull-less Seeded Pumpkins: A New Edible Snackseed Crop. In: J. Janick and J.E. Simon (eds.), Advances in new crops. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 1990. pp 403-407.