Ama Ebi is a Japanese shrimp dish. A variety of shrimp called “Northern Shrimp” is shelled, and the head and veins are removed. The shrimp are served raw on a block of rice. Sometimes the shells are deep-fried separately, then served on the side. The shrimp tastes very sweet. Pregnant female shrimps are the most…
Ebi is a Japanese shrimp sashimi dish. To make it, shrimp are boiled, then cleaned and split open. The variety of shrimp called “Northern Shrimp” is usually used in Japan, though in North America other types of shrimp may be used.
Odori Ebi
Odori Ebi is a Japanese sashimi dish which is a shrimp still alive. It is very expensive to order because preparation must happen very quickly and skilfully to keep the shrimp live. A live shrimp is shelled, then the head removed, and the shrimp served to you while it is still twitching on the plate….