Arag is made from distilled Koumiss. It ends up as clear and as strong as vodka. History Notes The Soviets tried (and failed) to stamp out the practice of making Arag.
Kalach Bread
Kalach is a yeast-risen bread made throughout Eastern Europe. There are many variants of Kalach Bread. Russia In Russia, it is a loaf made of white flour formed into the shape of a ring. The word Kalach came to mean any kind of white bread in Russian. In Arkhangelsk, on the White Sea, bakers boiled…
Kvass: A low-alcohol Russian fermented drink.
Kvass is a alcoholic drink made in Russia. It ends up as a foggy liquid with yeast suspended in it, and has a very low alcohol level. In households, the most common way to make Kvass was to toast rye bread or dry it out in the oven, and soak it in water allowing it…
Vodka is a clear form of spirit alcohol traditionally made and drunk throughout Eastern Europe. It has no colour, and is not aged. Vodka can be made from a mash of beets, grain, or potatoes. In Russia and Poland the best vodka is considered to be made from rye; in Sweden and the Baltic States,…