Waterleaf is a potherb with a tangy flavour from the oxalic acid in it. You use it as you use spinach.
The leaves are soft and fleshy. They come from an annual plant, that grows up to 1 foot (30 cm) tall. The plant, closely related to purslane, likes partial shade, and is propagated by cuttings.
Waterleaf is cultivated in Western Africa, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Peru.
This is not the same as Hydrophyllum virginianum, Virginia waterleaf, which is native to North America.
Cooking Tips
When overcooked, goes slimy.
It is often eaten raw.
High in Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Beta-carotene
History Notes
Native to tropical South America.
Language Notes
Called “cariru” in Brazil.