Averna Bitters are a dark, bitter, fruity flavoured liqueur.
There are apparently around 60 herbs used in making Averna Bitters. Some of the tastes identified in are vanilla, sugar, liquorice, cinnamon, and cola.
The alcohol content of Averna Bitters is 32%.
It is made by the same company that makes Sambuca and Underberg Bitters.
Cooking Tips
Averna Bitters is nice on ice on hot days.
History Notes
The recipe for Averna Bitters was created by Capuchin monks in Friuli, Italy in the early 1800s. The Capuchins also had an Abbey in Caltanissetta, Sicily, called the “Abbey of the Santo Spirito.”
Don Salvatore Averna, born into a wealthy textile family in Caltanissetta, was a generous donor to the abbey. He acquired the recipe in 1854. Some say it was given to him; some say sold to him. He started making it for himself at home, and then in 1868 started making it commercially in a factory.
In 1958, the company became a public company, but as of 2005, it’s still managed by the Averna family (4th generation.)
Now there is a street in Caltanissetta called “Via Salvatore Averna.”