The cap, which may be yellow or brown, ranges from 1 to 4 inches wide (2.5 to 10 cm.) The gills under the cap are also attached to the stem.
They are called Honey Mushrooms not for their taste, but for the colour of their caps.
The flesh is firm with a rich flavour. Some people think it tastes somewhat sweet, but they could be reading that in from the name. Other people taste a mildly-bitter aftertaste. Others just get violently ill (see Nutrition below.)
Cooking Tips
They turn dark brown on the outside when cooked, but remain pale inside. The stem is not very nice, but it can be puréed or very finely chopped.
Should never be eaten raw; must be cooked at least 15 minutes for safety reasons. Older, mature mushrooms should be avoided and only young ones consumed. Liquid that they give off should be drained off and discarded, so sauté on their own first. Even so, some people may be sensitive to them and get sick. Not generally recommended for that reason.
Honey Mushrooms are easily confused with the “Galerina marginata” mushroom, which is a fatal confusion to make.
Storage Hints
Honey Mushrooms dry well for storage.