Pérail de Brebis. Benoît Prieur / wikimedia / 2015 / CC BY-SA 3.0
Pérail de Brebis is a soft, strong-tasting cheese made from raw milk from sheep.
It is pale yellow with a soft rind, and a soft texture like that of thick, almost runny cream.
The curd is not cooked or pressed. It is moulded into a shape 8 to 10 cm wide (3 to 4 inches) by 2 cm high (about 1 inch), weighing about 150 g (5 oz), and aged at least 1 week and up to 2 weeks.
It is made in Aveyron in the midi-pyrenées area of France.
Better known brands are Louis Rigal and Frie St. Georges.
Pérail de Brebis has a butterfat content of 45 to 50 %.