You can harvest Piena di Napoli Squash while still yellow for use as a summer squash; you can also let them fully grow for use as a winter squash.
The squash is shaped approximately like a butternut squash, oblong for the most part, though the top neck part will be a bit less wide and sometimes slightly curved. The skin ripens from yellow to dark green, then turns tan-coloured in storage.
They are often harvested at 4 to 5 pounds (1 ¾ to 2 ¼ kg.) If allowed to grow past that, they can reach 22 to 35 pounds(10 to 16 kg), and up to almost 4 feet (80 cm) long.
Inside, they have orange flesh, with a nice balance between moist and dry, with a mild, slightly sweet flavour.
The vine stretches out to 4 yards (4 metres.)
90 to 120 days from seed.
Storage Hints
Stores well.
History Notes
Piena di Napoli Squash was in America by the late 1800s, as it was listed by Fearing Burr in The Field and Garden Vegetables of America (1863.)