Tips for baking pan conversions by dimension and volume, and a discussion of factors to take into account.
Baking Pans
Baking Pans by Dimension
This is a chart of typical baking pan physical dimensions, with their equivalent volume sizes. The measurements of a baking pan are determined by measuring inside the pan, from edge to edge. Depth is measured inside as well.
Baking Pans by Volume
This is a chart of typical baking pan volumes. Using a pan with the correct volume can be especially critical when you are baking something that may rise and otherwise overflow.
Baking Trays
A baking tray (aka baking sheet, cookie sheet, sheet pan) is a flat sheet of metal designed for baking or roasting food on in an oven. A baking tray is often one of the unsung workhorses of a kitchen, taken for granted when present but sorely missed when not.
Bread Pans
Bread pans are pans primarily used for baking bread in. They are typically in a rectangular shape. They can also be used for quick breads such as banana breads, or for meatloaf.
Casserole dish sizes
Casserole dishes are usually made of glass, cast iron, enamelled cast iron, or earthenware. They come in varying sizes and shapes, round or square or oblong. They have deep sides and close-fitting covers. There will be handles on the sides of the casserole dish, as well as a handle on the cover.