Danbo cheese is a semi-firm cheese made in Denmark from cow’s milk. It is modelled on Swiss Emmenthal Cheese.
Danish Cheeses
Danish Blue Cheese
Danish Blue Cheese is creamy and spreadable, with a mild blue taste: some people say it is a good gateway cheese to blue cheese. It comes in creamy-white coloured wheels with blue green veins and unevenly spaced holes.
Danish Fontina Cheese
Danish Fontina is creamy yet semi-firm and pliable, with a mild taste. The red wax on the cheese is non-edible.
Esrom Cheese
Esrom is a semi-firm Danish Port-Salut style cheese. The rind is thin, hard and orange, feeling almost greasy. The cheese is light-yellow, and pliable, making it easy to slice. The cheese has a strong odour but mild taste.
Havarti Cheese
Havarti Cheese is a rindless, semi-firm cheese made from cow’s milk. It is a pale yellow colour with tiny holes with a mild, slightly tangy taste. It slices and melts well.