Beurre Pommade © Randal Oulton Beurre pommade is butter that has been let come to room temperature (20 to 30 Celsius / in the 60s F range) so that it is quite soft, like a face cream. If you wish, think of it as butter that has softened to the point that it is spreadable….
French Butters
Marseille Butter
This is an in-joke amongst cooks: it’s oil. Butter isn’t used in Marseille very much; oil is used instead.
Raw Butter
Raw Butter is butter made from unpasteurized milk (aka “raw” milk.) It has bit more of a tart taste, and goes rancid much more quickly, than butter made from pasteurized milk. Raw Butters tend to also be sold as organic, unsalted and uncoloured, generally in tubs, meant for freezer storage to counter the shelf-life issue….
Semi-Salted Butter
Semi-salted butter is butter with some salt in it, but not enough to meet the legal definition of salted. In France, it means .5 to 3% of salt has been added. In America and South Africa, it means the butter is 1% salt.
Three-Quarter Fat Butter
Three-Quarter Fat Butter is a term used in France, Switzerland, Germany and in the UK. It means the butter will have three-quarters of the 80 to 82% butterfat content that it normally would. Therefore, the butterfat content will be between 60 and 62%. [Ed. just to be clear, not ¾ of 100%, but ¾ of…