Compote has two meanings as far as food is concerned. It can be a dish that you eat, or, a dish that you put food into. As something you eat, it is a dessert of fruit, fresh or dried. It can be a single fruit or a combination of fruit. The fruit is usually kept…
Cultivar is short for the phrase “cultivated variety.” It’s a variety of plant that can only maintain its unique characteristics when bred by man. A cultivar will always be named and recognized by horticultural groups; some may even be patented. Apple trees are a good example — though the species as a whole would continue…
Fruit Pies
Fruit pies are very easy to make. There’s really just one set of general principles to learn, and then you can do thousands of variations on those few general principles.
Fruit Recipes
Fruit is an ingredient that is often used as part of every meal of the day, and for snacking in-between, in just about every cuisine. Fruit can be consumed on its own out of hand as a snack, or, be used as an ingredient in a dish.
Jelly is a sweet preserve typically flavoured by fruit juice. It differs from jam in that jellies are clear with no fruit pieces in them.Jelly needs to be clear, and firm, firm enough to hold its shape when cut, without being so firm that it won’t wobble. Good jelly can be made from high pectin…
Pectin is a naturally occurring carbohydrate in fruit that is concentrated in the fruit’s skin and the core. When cooked, Pectin solidifies to a gel, causing fruit preserves to set. Fruit uses Pectin to build cell walls with. Generally, unripe fruit will have more Pectin than ripe fruit. Fruits that are high in Pectin include…
Pome is a category of fruit. Fruit is this category has seeds in the centre, surrounded by a case called the “endocarp.” In fact, there will be several seeds in chambers. The fleshy part of the fruit surrounds this endocarp. Pome fruit tends to need a good deal of growing time before the plants will…
Food preservation extends food’s nutritional qualities, palatability, and storage life while also keeping it safe for consumption. There is a both broad and a narrow definition for the word “preserves” itself.
A punnet is a small, low basket for soft fruit or vegetables, meant both to keep the items together, and to protect the items in it during shipping and retailing.