Yuzu Juice is a yellowish-grey coloured juice from a Japanese fruit called Yuzu.
The juice, sold in bottles, is quite expensive outside Japan: it’s more expensive than even truffle oil. It’s not cheap in Japan either, however, because Yuzu fruits don’t yield much juice. One average-sized Yuzu, about the size of a golfball, will only yield 1 teaspoon of juice.
Fortunately, you don’t use Yuzu Juice in great quantities, because its flavour is very intense, far more so than that of lemons, limes or oranges. You don’t need a lot of it for its flavour to come through in your dishes.
Juice from a lime or lemon (not Meyer’s Lemon, which would be too sweet), but in larger quantities. Some people also suggest using ½ lemon juice, ½ lime juice.
1 Yuzu about the size of a golfball equals 1 teaspoon of juice.