The 23rd of November is Cashew Day, celebrating the deliciously morish nuts that we often just can’t get enough of!
Cashews are some of the oddest nuts. They grow hanging off the bottom of fruits that look like apples, and are toxic to touch unless the shells on the nuts are treated properly. But you can probably rest assured that the ones you buy in the vacu-sealed tins are safe to eat!
Some people like to get a jump on things and celebrate Cashew Day on 22 November, a day earlier than today. Others just plain hold out for National Chocolate Covered Cashew Day, which they say is 21 April.
Whatever you do, though, if you like cashews, don’t hold out for the bowls of mixed Christmas nuts just around the corner. Cashews are always amongst the first nuts to be plucked out of them by others. And even if you don’t like them, you may be interested to learn more about these very odd nuts from the tropics.
See Also: Cashew Nuts, Nuts
The earliest print mention for a Cashew Day in November that CooksInfo is aware of dates from 2000 in Florida:
“24 Days [from 30th October] Until National Cashew Day” — Countdown. Orlando, Florida: The Orlando Sentinel. Monday, 30 October 2000. Page A3, col. 2.