Hard candies. Leonie Schoppema / Pixabay.com / 2013 / CC0 1.0
The 19th December is Hard Candy Day.
Hard candy is made from sugar syrup that is boiled, then coloured, flavoured and moulded, and let cool until it becomes hard and brittle.
There are many different types of hard candy. Popular classics include Werther’s Originals, Jolly Ranchers and Life Savers. Even lemon drops and cough drops count as hard candies.
Lemon and peppermint were thought to be medicinal or even “healthy”, but that’s dubious given that they are pure sugar and the flavour may be artificial. But, there are now sugar-free varieties that at least won’t rot your teeth.
Beautifully coloured hard candies used to be a feature at Christmas time; people would decorate their homes with small dishes of them, and they were often found in the bottom of Christmas stockings.
Nowadays, many people think hard candy is boring, and hate getting given it even, let alone eating it.
Today, you could try to make your own hard candy, or put a dish or two out as people used to do in preparation for the holidays. Or, just buy a few at a loose candy store, and enjoy them!
#HardCandyDay #NationalHardCandyDay
See also: Candy, Candy Cane Day
The first print mention we are aware of for Hard Candy Day is in 2012 (in between blood pressure screenings, and bingo):
“10 to 10:30 a.m., fitness with Carole; 10 a.m., blood pressure screenings by IRMC; National Hard Candy Day, bring your favorite; Christmas menu; 1 p.m., bingo; socialization.” [1]Indiana, Pennsylvania: Indiana Gazette. Wednesday, 16th December 2012. Page B4, Col. 1.
Indiana, Pennsylvania: Indiana Gazette. Wednesday, 16th December 2012. Page B4, Col. 1.
Carr-Crowe, Michelle. Enjoy a Lollipop December 19 is National Hard Candy Day. Active Rain. 18 December 2018. Accessed November 2020 at https://activerain.com/blogsview/5310836/enjoy-a-lollipop-december-19-is-national-hard-candy-day
Kissell, Joe. National Hard Candy Day. Interesting Thing of the Day. 19 December 2018. Accessed November 2020 at https://itotd.com/articles/6336/national-hard-candy-day/
National Hard Candy Day. Roodepoort, South Africa: Roodepoort Northsider. 19 December 2017. Accessed November 2020 at https://roodepoortnorthsider.co.za/263761/national-hard-candy-day/
Strickland, Ashley. Breakfast buffet: National hard candy day. CNN Eatocracy. 19 December 2011. Accessed November 2020 at https://cnneatocracy.wordpress.com/2011/12/19/breakfast-buffet-national-hard-candy-day/
Everton mints. Pete / wikimedia / 2009 / CC BY 2.0
↑1 | Indiana, Pennsylvania: Indiana Gazette. Wednesday, 16th December 2012. Page B4, Col. 1. |