Muscat de Provence. Albert Swope / OpenPhoto.net / 2013 / CC BY 3.0
Muscat de Provence squash is a round, flattened squash with deep ribbing. Probably more people would look at this and say “pumpkin” rather than squash. To boot, it has a dark green rind ripening to orange.
It is beautiful enough to use as an ornamental as well as for eating.
It will weigh 2 to 9 kg (5 to 20 pounds.) It has thick, firm flesh, with a rich, sweet taste.
It grows on a vine-type plant, with vines that can grow up to 6 metres (6 ½ yards) long, with 2 to 5 squash per plant.
80 to 100 days from seed.
Storage Hints
Stores well.
History Notes
Muscat de Provence squash was developed in Provence, France.
Muscat de Provence showing green rinds. Hans Braxmeier / Pixabay.com / 2013 / CC0 1.0