Poundcake with icing drizzle. Pixel1 / pixabay.com / 2015 / CC0 1.0
The 4th of March is Pound Cake Day.
If the day has crept up on you caught you unawares so that you don’t have time to make one, you could always sneak out to the grocery store and buy one.
Why is it called a pound cake, anyway? And how long has this cake been around? CooksInfo knows; see the entry on pound cake.
See also: Black Forest Cake Day, Cake Day, Chocolate Cake Day, Devil’s Food Cake Day, Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Day
The earliest mention that CooksInfo has found in print archives of a March 4th Pound Cake dates from 2004 in Tennessee:
“March 4 — National Pound Cake Day.” — Duggin, Nancy. March filled with reasons to celebrate. Murfreesboro, Tennessee: The Daily News-Journal. Tuesday, 2 Marcy 2004. Page D1, col. 6.
Pound Cake Slices. Lindsey Turner / flickr.com / 2007 / CC BY 2.0