Starr Apples can grow to be up to 10 to 12 inches (20 to 25 cm) wide (sic.) They have pale greenish-yellow skin flushed with a faint red. Inside, they have tender, crisp, very juicy, yellowish flesh which is aromatic with a sprightly, tart taste. The tree starts bearing fruit when quite young, and is…
American South Food
Streak of Lean
A Streak of Lean is a piece of pork fat with a very small amount of meat in it. You use it as a cooking fat. Used in cooking in the southern states of America. Cooking Tips You put pieces of Streak of Lean in a frying fan, and cook them to render the fat…
Summer Limbertwig Apples
Summer Limbertwig are medium-sized apples. They have bright, pale yellow skin covered with pink and red flushes, and patches of russet. Inside, they have tender, juicy white flesh which is aromatic, with a tart taste. The tree has weeping branches, typical of Limbertwig apple trees, but the branches are a bit sturdier, and don’t droop…
Terry Winter Apples
Terry Winter are medium-sized apples, with thick, tough yellow skin flushed with red and dark red. Inside, they have crisp, juicy white flesh. The fruit ripens in November in Georgia. Cooking Tips For fresh-eating. Storage Hints Stores well. History Notes Terry Winter Apples originated in Fulton County, Georgia, USA in the 1850s on the farm…
Tipsy Parson
Tipsy Parson was traditionally a cake that was soaked in alcohol, and then served with toppings of custard, whipped cream and almonds. Now, it has evolved into a layered dessert that is basically a trifle by another name, though trifle will have fruit added to it and Tipsy Parson won’t. Specifically a Tipsy Parson is…
Upland Cress
Upland Cress is one of three major categories of cress (the other two being watercress and garden cress.) These cresses are perennial, and likes cool weather. In the American south, you can find them almost as soon as the snow starts thawing. They have small, dark, glossy green somewhat heart-shaped leaves, sometimes tending to have…
Virginia Beauty Apples
Virginia Beauty are medium to large-sized apples, often irregularly shaped. They have smooth, glossy greenish-yellow skin almost completely covered with very dark red or purple, and faint dots of russet. Inside, they have tender, juicy, finely-textured yellowish-green tinged flesh, which is sweet but not overwhelmingly so. The flavour ranges from spicy to hints of cherry…
White Meat and Gravy
Poorer folk in the American South used to make a breakfast dish they called “white meat and gravy.” While some innocents infer that the “white meat” was chicken or turkey (not realizing how expensive chicken was back then) and some wise-acres guess alligator, it was actually salt pork fat. The salt pork would be boiled…
Ziegler’s Sweeting Apples
Ziegler’s Sweeting Apples were grown in the American South. The cultivar is now presumed to be extinct, possibly sometime before 1928. Sources Calhoun, Creighton Lee. Old Southern Apples. Blacksburg, VA: McDonald & Woodward Publishing Co., 1995.