Setsubun is a day in Japan marking the end of winter, and the start of spring. It is observed between the 2nd and 4th of February. Roasted soybeans are thrown to chase away evil spirits and bring good luck.
Soy Flour
Soy Flour © Denzil Green Soy Flour is made from dried, ground soy beans. It is very high in protein. It’s more of a complementary flour to add nutrition. It’s often used a few tablespoons at a time to boost protein in a loaf of bread. It also makes the crust on a loaf of…
Soy Milk
Soy milk is a white liquid made from water and soy beans. There are different techniques of making it. In the Japanese way of making soy milk, uncooked soy beans are soaked in water overnight. In the morning they are drained, then mashed with some boiling water, so that they look like gloopy mashed potatoes….
Soya Oil
Soya Oil © Denzil Green Soya Oil (aka Soy Oil, Soybean Oil) is a pale yellowish-coloured food oil pressed from Soybeans. It has hardly any flavour, but many people find that even that is too much, giving as it does a slightly soybean aftertaste. Soya Oil made in North America is more likely to be…
Soybean Sprouts
Soybean Sprouts are sprouted soybeans. The sprouts are crunchy and firm, with greenish-yellow heads. They are ready to use in 3 to 4 days after the bean begins to sprout. They become bitter if allowed to grow much past that. To be clear, most bean sprouts sold are actually grown from mung beans, not soybeans….