Beer in a café. Elevate / Pexels / 2018 / CC0 1.0
The 27th of October is American Beer Day.
It is a day to celebrate American-brewed beer.
In the recent past, there has been a revival of diversity and craftmanship in American brewing with the explosion in craft breweries.
What is the first American beer you ever had? What is your favourite American beer now?
As of 2019, American consumer beer preferences were:
Light: 41.5%
Super Premium & Premium: 12.5%
Craft: 12.2%
Conway, Jan. U.S. beer consumption share 2019, by category. Statista. 25 September 2020. Accessed October 2021 at
Have you ever tried brewing your own beer at home?
Would you ever have beer with a gourmet dinner, or only with bar- or bbq-style food?
#AmericanBeerDay #AmericanBeer
See also: Beer, The Myth of Weak American Beer, Bavarian Beer Purity Law Day, Beer Day Britain, Lager Day, National Beer Day, International Beer Day, Arnold of Soissons, Patron Saint of Belgian Brewers, International Women’s Collaboration Brew Day
Activities today
- Buy an American-brewed beer today;
- try an American beer you haven’t tried before;
- book a tour of a brewery;
- have dinner with friends at a local craft brewery;
- buy a keg of American beer and invite friends over;
- try cooking with beer, maybe in a fish batter;
- and since it’s October, you may wish to check out some pumpkin beers while you’re at it.
The earliest print mention that CooksInfo is aware of for an “American Beer Day” in October dates from 2001 in Pennsylvania:
“October: 27: American Beer Day” — A partial list of a year’s worth of days to celebrate. State College, Pennsylvania: Centre Daily Times. Sunday, 7 January 2001. Page 8C, col. 5.
The sources given were,, and
American Craft Beer Reluctantly Celebrates National American Beer Day. 27 October 2017. Accessed October 2021 at
Big Chuck. Oct. 27 is “National American Beer Day.” What Was Your First Favorite Beer? Oneonta, New York: WDOS-AM Radio. 26 October 2018. Accessed October 2021 at
Clark, Jeff. Happy American Beer Day — here are five craft breweries on the Coast. Biloxi, MS : Biloxi Sun Herald. 27 October 2016. Accessed October 2021 at
Hunter, Brandi. National American Beer Day October 27, 2018. Middletown, New York: WRRV FM. 19 October 2018. Accessed October 2021 at
Kissell, Joe. National American Beer Day. Interesting thing of the day. 27 October 2018. Accessed October 2021 at
Morris, Seren. American Beer Day 2019: Craft Beers from American Breweries Gift Guide. Newsweek Magazine. 27 October 2019. Accessed October 2021 at
Paul, Pritha. National American Beer Day 2018: Facts, History Behind Celebration Of US Brews. New York, NY: International Business Times. 27 October 2018. Accessed October 2021 at
Vrabel, Ani. It’s National American Beer Day, Apparently. Esquire Magazine. 27 October 2011. Accessed October 2021 at