strecosa / / 2015 / CC0 1.0
The 12th of January is Marzipan Day.
If you’re a fan, and missed marzipan at Christmas, you may still be able to get some marzipan covered baked goods or confections shaped from marzipan in the after-Christmas sales.
Or failing that, at least have a read about what marzipan actually is, and its history.
Still, the timing of the day is odd. At this point in time, marzipan-haters have just spent a whole month picking marzipan off their fruit cake slices, and now someone has proclaimed a whole day dedicated to marzipan. Perhaps the idea is that marzipan enthusiasts want to be able to use up their leftover marzipan on the rest of us.
Literature & Lore
American author Sylvia Cassedy (1930 – 1989) wrote a children’s book called “Marzipan Day on Bridget Lane” (published 1967).
missingpinky / / 2015 / CC0 1.0