And you thought boiled, sliced carrots were another word for boring? Not these ones: very good, very sweet, even the older ones that have been stored a few months.
Vichy Carrots
Vichy Carrots © Denzil Green Vichy Carrots is a glazed carrot dish. To make Vichy Carrots, thinly sliced carrots are placed in a pot with a small amount of Vichy water, butter and sugar, then covered and simmered over low heat until tender, drained, then garnished with minced parsley. No salt is used. You can…
Walnut and Carrot Salad
A gorgeous looking and gorgeous tasting salad. Allow your guests to dress it themselves with the salad dressing served separately.
White Belgian Carrots
White Belgian Carrots are pure white, except for the top poking above the soil, which is pale green.They grow 8 to 10 inches (20 to 25 cm) long, and do well even in poor soils, 75 days from seed. They have a mild carrot taste, and can be eaten raw or cooked. White Belgian Carrots…
Winter Veg Soup Recipe
A good vegetable soup with complexity of flavour.