A delicious cold weather dish.
Butterscotch Beans Recipe
This Butterscotch Bean recipe is an usually tasty recipe for Lima Beans, rather than being for the variety of bean called Butterscotch Bean. It’s very good, as you can imagine just by looking at the ingredients, but it’s very rich.
Butterscotch Sauce Recipe
This sauce is so dead easy to make — it really would be more work to go to the store to buy it!
Cheat’s Trifle
A very quick trifle recipe.
Cream of Coconut
Cream of Coconut is different from Coconut Cream and Creamed Coconut and Coconut Milk. It’s Coconut Milk or Cream that has been thickened, with sugars added to sweeten it. There’s powdered and tinned versions; tinned versions have stabilizers added so that the liquid doesn’t separate. A well-known brand in America is Coco Lopez. Cooking Tips…
Frozen Lime Pie Recipe
If you want a fancy presentation, you can put this in one of those loose-bottomed pie / quiche pans whose bottom pops out. Otherwise, use whatever type of pie dish you have to hand, preferably a 9 inch / 23cm round pie tin.
Potato and Artichoke Pie Recipe
The only drag about this recipe is that you have to cook the potatoes first. Otherwise, it really only takes about 20 minutes to put together.
Scalloped Parsnips and Jerusalem Artichokes Recipe
A good, tasty winter veg recipe.