Banon cheese is a soft, almost runny cheese that matures without a rind forming on it. The wheels are wrapped in chestnut leaves that have been soaked in brandy. The taste is like something between bacon and hay.
Goat's Milk Cheeses
Brie de Chèvre
Brie de chèvre is a cheese that looks something like Brie, except it is made from raw goat’s milk curdled with vegetarian rennet. The apparent resemblance to Brie, however, vanishes with the first bite: it has a very goaty taste.
Chèvre cheese is cheese made from goat’s milk. In particular, the term tends to indicate goat’s milk cheeses from France, or at least, made in a French style.
Chèvre Frais
Chèvre frais is a generic term for unaged French cheese made from pasteurized goat’s milk. Fresh goat’s cheeses don’t go stringy when heated; aged ones tend to.
Cotija Cheese
Cotija cheese is a Mexican hard cheese good for grating. It is crumbly, with a mild taste but a sharp, salty tang. It does not melt welt.
Humboldt Fog Cheese
Humboldt Fog is a goat’s milk cheese with a line of ash through it. Like Brie, the cheese develops a white-velvet like mould and is creamy in the centre.
Pantysgawn Cheese
Pantysgawn Cheese is a soft, creamy cheese made in Wales from pasteurized goat’s milk. It has a salty taste with a bit of sourness that reminds some people of lemon. A fresh cheese, it is sold in a cylindrical shaped roll, with no rind or crust.
Picodon is a goat’s milk cheese with a firm rind covered in mould that can be blue, white or yellow, depending on the aging process. The cheese inside is firm. The taste of the cheese is both slightly sour and slightly sweet.
Saint-Loup Goat Cheese
Saint-Loup is a camembert-style cheese made from pasteurized goat’s milk. The cheese is very creamy with a slight tang to the taste. The edible crust is slightly chewy.
Selles-sur-Cher is a semi-firm French cheese made from raw goat’s milk. The cheese is firm and white with a goaty smell and nutty flavour. The rind, which is edible, is dusted with charcoal powder.