Chocolate chips. Anton / Unsplash / 2020 / CC0 1.0
The 15th of May is Chocolate Chip Day.
The classic item to use chocolate chips in of course is chocolate chip cookies.
If doesn’t have to be just all about chocolate chip cookies though: what about chocolate chip muffins? Or, when was the last time you stopped anywhere for chocolate chip ice cream, or chocolate chip frosty shake?
Say hello to your old friend chocolate chips today!
To celebrate today, you could:
- have some as a snack out of hand;
- make cookies or a cake with chocolate chips in them;
- add chocolate chips to pancakes or waffles;
- sprinkle on your cereal;
- sprinkle on ice cream or on yoghurt;
- add to some trail mix.
See also: Chocolate Chips, Ruth Wakefield, Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
The earliest print mention of a “Chocolate Chip Day” on the 15th of May that CooksInfo is aware of dates from 2001:
“If you’re interested, you can also get a rundown on numerous specially designated days. In May alone, there’s National Chocolate Chip Day (the 15th), National Escargot Day (the 24th) and National Macaroon Day (the 31st.)” — Quick Takes: Food & Drink. Rochester, New York: Democrat and Chronicle. 17 May 2001. Page C3, col. 1. (Article listed source as eatethnic.com)
In 2004, many newspapers were listing “National Chocolate Chip Day” as the 17th of May: “Chocolate Chip Day (17 May)”. — Full for a year. Serving up a full course of food holidays. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Salt Lake Tribune. 13 October 2004. Page D2, col. 5.
In 2008, many newspapers referred to it being on the 4th of August: “Today is National Chocolate Chip Day”. — Port Huron, Michigan: The Times Herald. 4 August 2008. Page C4, col 1.
Also in 2008, the May 15th date was referred to again and seems to have become the predominant date after that:
“Buoyed by children’s chants of “Get in the milk”, Chris Hawkins donned a chocolate chip cookie costume and settled himself over a blue vat with powdered milk mixed with water. “Oh, I can’t wait,” he told a reporter before he prepared to take the plunge — literally. The student coordinator at Kachina Country Day School in Paradise Valley was about to get dunked Thursday [Ed: 15th May] in celebration of National Chocolate Chip Day.” — Diana, Balazs. Fun is dunking cookies in milk. Phoenix, Arizona: Arizona Republic. 17 May 2008. Page 13, col. 1.
Chocolate chips are a very recent invention as far as culinary history goes, only being around since the early 1940s.
Armstrong, Cassie. National Chocolate Chip Day: How to celebrate in Central Florida. 11 May 2018. Accessed April 2021 at https://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/os-et-national-chocolate-chip-day-orlando-20180511-story.html
Gorick, Anthony. Here’s Where to Celebrate National Chocolate Chip Day in Lancaster City. Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Fig Magazine. 11 May 2018. Accessed April 2021 at https://figlancaster.com/2018/05/11/heres-where-to-celebrate-national-chocolate-chip-day-in-lancaster-city/
It’s National Chocolate Chip Day! Davenport, Iowa: KWQC-TV. 15 May 2018. Accessed April June 2018 at https://www.kwqc.com/content/news/Its-National-Chocolate-Chip-Day-482638071.html
Warwaruk, Jody. Here’s a holiday to make you feel all sweet and gooey. Edmonton, Alberta: The Edmonton Journal. Wednesday, 30 August 2000. Page G2, col. 6.