Soft Ice Cream Day. © Merelize /
Soft Ice Cream Day is the 19th of August.
You probably don’t want to hear this if you are in the Northern Hemisphere, but, today also means summer is almost over.
If you haven’t had an ice cream cone yet this summer, there’s not a lot of time left.
And with today being Soft Ice Cream Day, why not go for the full kitsch and make it a soft ice cream cone, with the soft ice cream dispensed out of a nozzle in enticing whirls onto the cone.
Come to think of it, if you’re going that far, go whole hog and get it dipped in the pseudo melted chocolate or get the Cadbury’s flake chocolate stick in it.
If a musical ice cream truck passes you today, flag it down!
See also: Ice Cream, Ice Cream Day, Ice Cream Freezer Patent Day, Chocolate Ice Cream Day, Creative Ice Cream Flavours Day, Frozen Yogurt Day, Ice Cream Soda Day, Hot Fudge Sundae Day, Peach Ice Cream Day, Strawberry Ice Cream Day, Vanilla Ice Cream Day
Soft ice cream cone dipped in chocolate. © BSK / / 2006