Brie de Nangis is an uncooked, unpressed cheese.
It has a white crust, with reddish brown streaks and is light yellow inside.
Of all the Bries, it is the one that is least produced, and has the smallest production area, Seine et Marne, where it is made year round.
Brie de Nangis is made from raw cow’s milk. It is aged at least 4 weeks, up to 6 weeks. As it ages, it will get quite liquid inside.
The cheese will be 3 cm tall x 20 cm wide (1 inch x 8 inches), and will weigh 1.2 kg (2 ½ pounds.)
Brie de Nangis is not an AOC Brie.
A low-temperature pasteurized version of Brie de Nangis is made by the Rouzaire Company for export to the United States.
Brie de Nangis contains 45% butterfat.
Language Notes
Brie de Nangis is named after the town where it originated, though it is no longer made there.