A side accompaniment of asparagus tips, kidneys, mushrooms, and supreme sauce. More modern versions seem to define it as a side accompaniment for steak consisting of French fries, fried mushrooms, peas and salads.
Entries on or related to steak
Steaks at butcher counter. piqsels.com / CC0 1.0
À Point
À Point means “just right”, “ready” or “exactly right.” What that means varies by context: “To know if the oil is à point, put a piece of bread in it” “Bring the sauce à point by adding some butter to it” “When the sauce is almost à point, add…” When referring to a steak, it…
Arm Steak
Arm Steak is an arm roast cut into steaks.It will have the round arm bone in it, hence some of the other names by which it is known which refer to the round bone (as opposed to meaning from the “round” part of the cow.) Cooking Tips Braising or Swiss Steak. Never try to grill,…
Ball Tip Steak
Ball tip steaks can be cut from the ball tip roast by cutting the roasts at a right angle to the grain. Cooking Tips Moist heat, or cube for use as stewing beef. Some people will marinate this cut and then barbeque or grill it.
Beef Rib Steak
Rib Steak Cap On © Denzil Green Beef rib steak is a steak with bone-in, cut from the rib area of the cow. It is essentially a beef rib roast, sliced up into steaks. The steak has good marbling, which produces a juicy, tasty steak when cooked. If you remove the bone, you have a…
Beef Rib-Eye Steak
The rib “eye” is a part of the rib section that doesn’t get much exercise, which leaves the meat very tender. Steaks from the rib-eye are usually generous, hearty ones with good marbling which makes them very juicy. The definition of a “rib-eye steak” generally also supposes that the steak is boneless, though occasionally you…
Bistecca alla Fiorentina
Bistecca alla fiorentina is not a specific cut of meat but rather a method of cooking and serving steak in Tuscany, Italy.
Bistecca alla Panzanese
Bistecca alla panzanese is an Italian cut of beef. Italians describe it as a steak cut from the heart of the thigh of a cow. In English, we’d describe this area of the cow as being the beef round. It’s not exactly like a round steak, however, because it’s a boneless cut. It can be…
Bottom Round Steak
A bottom round steak (aka “outside round steak”) is a beef steak cut from a bottom round pot roast. It is a tougher cut of meat, not suitable for grilling. But, it is very flavourful meat, and often inexpensive compared to other cuts, so it can be worth adding knowledge of how to cook with…
Breakfast Steaks
Breakfast steaks are beef steaks that are cut about 15 mm thick (1/16th of an inch), though you will see steaks labelled “breakfast steaks” that are up to 1 cm thick (½ inch). The idea is that you would have them at breakfast, but they can also be used for other things such as steak…
Cap On / Cap Off
Sometimes, as can be the case with top sirloin steak or rib steak (as pictured here), a “cap” on the meat can refer to a top piece of less tender meat with some fat. Some fans swear this is the tastiest part of the cut. Othertimes, on a piece of meat such as beef or…
Chateaubriand Roast
A Chateaubriand roast is a tenderloin roast that has both ends removed, leaving the thickest, centre portion. It will weigh about 350 g (12 oz) and is meant to serve two people, though it will really do about 3 people who are lighter-eaters. As it is a very small roast, it is sometimes referred to…
Chef Style Prime Rib
Chef Style Prime Rib is a Prime Rib Beef Roast that has had a bit extra preparation. It is meant for roasting. It is cut from the most desirable part of the rib cage of a cow. Chef Style is also referred to as “oven-prepared.” The entire beef rib cut, before it is cut up…
Chuck 7-Bone Steak
Many people feel that that is a tough cut of meat. If you really want to try barbequing or grilling it, as some people do, you may wish to use a meat tenderizing mallet to give yourself a fighting chance — some people say that marinating will yield little progress in tenderizing it. Literature &…
Chuck Eye Steak
A Chuck Eye Steak is made by a butcher by cutting a chuck eye roast into steaks. The meat is very flavourful, but can be chewy unless the right cooking methods are used. Cooking Tips Best braised, but you can try grilling, pan frying or barbequing them if you tenderize them first with a meat…
Chuck Eye Steak Boneless
Requires braising or moist heat. Some people who don’t mind a bit more elbow work at the table cutting through their steaks do grill, barbeque or pan fry this cut after marinating it. The marinating really doesn’t do much of anything, however. Language Notes Sometimes confusingly called a “Beauty Steak”, which is also a synonym…
Chuck Steak
Chuck steak is a general term for steaks cut from the chuck area. While less tender than some other beef steaks, they do contain a portion of the more tender rib eye that extends into the chuck area (especially if they are labelled “chuck eye.”) To keep them tender, they should be cooked on the…
Club Steak
A club steak (aka wing steak) is smaller than a T-bone or porterhouse steak, and rectangular shaped (in some regions, it is a triangular cut.) It is basically a strip steak, but, it will have a rib bone in it. Despite that, some people treat club steak as just a synonym for strip steak, though…
Cube Steak
A cube steak is a relatively thin steak cut from a tough area of the cow, often the chuck or the round. It is tenderized, either by: Hand-scoring it in both directions; Pounding it with a meat mallet; Putting it through a “cuber” machine which scores the meat. Whichever way (and the mechanical means is…
Delmonico Steak
Delmonico steak was a famous, deluxe steak served at the exclusive Delmonico restaurants in New York in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Since then, the term has been applied to so many different cuts of steak that it may no longer meaningful or reliable, though that doesn’t preclude debate over what it should mean….
Eisenhower Steak
The American President Dwight D. Eisenhower (born 1880, died 1969, president from 1953 to 1961) had a method of cooking steak that involved throwing it directly onto coals. “President Eisenhower’s favorite “eatin’ food is thick juicy steak, and next to eating it he likes best to prepare it. The Chief Executive is a skilled steak…
Entrecôte is a steak cut from the rib eye section of the cow, between the 9th and 11th ribs. It is boneless, with little fat. It is popular in France and Europe. Very tender, this more expensive cut is relatively rare to come across in North America unless you ask a butcher to cut it…
Eye of Round Steak
An eye of round steak is a small round, boneless beef steak. It falls under the category of “economical cuts of beef”, and for that reason is often overlooked by beef fans, which is unfortunate as it is also one of the tastier cuts of beef. Use it for braising, stir fries, chicken fried steak,…
Filet Mignon
A steak cut from a Tenderloin strip. It is the most tender steak of all, and is certainly considered the most prestigious steak by most people. Take a trip to your local casino, and ask the people at the slots what they’re going to treat themselves with to eat if they win. Chances are, the…