Flank steak is a long, flat, thin, boneless and lean cut of steak, whose grain runs lengthwise. There are two flank steaks per cow, one on each side. It was used so much in America to make London broil that many people will still call this steak London broil (in fact, though, London broil is…
Entries on or related to steak
Flap Steak
The Sirloin bottom can be divided into three parts, of which the Flap is one, with the other two being the Ball Tip and the Tri-tip. Cartilage and tissue are removed from the Flap cut, leaving it weighing anywhere from 1 to 3 pounds (450g to 1.4 kg.) This boneless cut has very good flavour,…
Flat Bone Sirloin Steak
Cut from the sirloin area of the cow, a flat bone sirloin steak has a flat, cross-cut bone from the hip in it. Occasionally, it may contain a small segment of another bone, which is a vertebra bone from the back. The cut contains meat from the following muscles: tenderloin, top sirloin, flap and tri-tip….
Ham Steak
Ham Steak is a term used to refer to centre-cut slices of ham. Centre-cut means cut from the centre of a cured ham. They will range in thickness from ⅜ inch to ¾ to 1 inch thick (from 10 to 25mm thick.) Oval in shape, there may or may not be a piece of the…
Hanger Steak
Hanger steak is a small cut (about the size of your hand). It is very popular in France, but available in North America only at specialty butchers. It is from the plate at the lower part of the diaphragm of the cow, between the loin and the last rib and attached to the bottom of…
Lamb Valentine Steak
Lamb Valentine Steak is a double lamb loin chop, boneless, and trimmed so just a little fat is left on the two sides. Unlike double lamb loin chops, the ends are not tucked to form a circle. The “steak” will be about 1 ½ inches (3 ½ cm) thick, and will contain meat from the…
London Broil
London broil is a cut of beef suited for a technique of cooking beef that converts a tougher cut of beef into more tender slices of cooked steak. The actual cut of beef can be Top Round Steak, Chuck Shoulder Steak, Flank Steak, Sirloin Tip, etc. American food writer James Beard preferred using flank steak…
A marinade is a medium, often wet in the form of a sauce, used to prepare food for cooking, which is usually done afterwards by grilling or barbequing. Using a marinade is called “marinating.” Goals of a marinade There are three goals that people have traditionally aimed for when marinating: Enhance flavour by having the…
Meat mallets
Meat mallets are used to flatten and tenderize meat. They look somewhat like a hammer.
Onglet à l’échalote
Onglet à l’échalote is hanger steak that is grilled, removed from heat, immediately sprinkled with finely-chopped shallots and let rest for 5 minutes before serving. The heat from the meat causes the shallots to sweat, transferring a subtle amount of the taste into the steak.
Onglet en Sarment
Onglet en Sarment is hanger steak that is grilled over dried grapevine branches. It is popular in the Bordeaux area of France.
Pavé of Lamb
Pavé literally just means a “paving stone.” So, a Pavé of Lamb means a slab, a chunk, or as we are likely to say in English, a chop or a steak, thickly cut. It can come from any part of the lamb, particularly the Rack of Lamb, or the leg. It is a French cut…
Pavé: A flat piece of food, usually meat, cheese or bread
“Pavé” is French for a “cobblestone.” When used in a food context, it refers to a square or rectangular flat piece of food or dish. Moulded mousses or jellies: A cold dish made in a square or rectangular mould. The food is often a mousse, whether foie gras, pheasant, salmon or other fish. It is…
Philadelphia Cheese Steak
A Philadelphia Cheese Steak is a sandwich roll that has beef and cheese in it. The Olivieri family in Philadelphia claims to be the first to have made the sandwiches, in the 1930s. The family still owns and runs “Pat’s King of Steaks” in Philadelphia. Their sandwich store was shown in the movie “Rocky.” Many…
Pin Bone Sirloin Steak
Cut from the sirloin area of cattle, a pin bone sirloin steak has in it the same T-bone that appears in the porterhouse and T-bone steaks. It also has, in a corner of the steak, an oval cross-section of a bone which is called the “pin bone”, which is the top of the hip bone….
Pittsburgh Rare
Pittsburgh rare is a term describing a degree of doneness for beef steaks. It is considered to be an internal temperature of 110 F (43 C.) The steak should be very charred on the outside, even having black bits on it, but very rare (as in blood red) and still quite cold on the inside….
Pope’s Eye
In Scotland, a Pope’s Eye is a beef steak cut from the Round at the top of the leg. Though it’s a pretty tough cut, it is sold for frying or grilling / broiling. See also main entry for “Beef Round.”
Pork Blade Steak
A Pork Blade Steak is cut from the Pork Butt Roast. It can also be referred to as a “chop” instead of a steak. It will contain a blade bone, plus meat from several muscles. It may, though, be sold boneless, with the blade bone removed. Cooking Tips Pork Blade Steaks can be braised, slowly…
Pork Cube Steak
Pork Cube Steak is a tougher, cheaper cut of pork, often from the shoulder though not necessarily. It is cut like a steak. It is tenderized, either by: Hand-scoring it in both directions; Pounding it with a meat mallet; or Putting it through a “cuber” machine which scores the meat. Whichever way (and the mechanical…
Porterhouse Steak
In North America, porterhouse is a very large, flavourful, juicy steak cut from the short loin and sold with a T-shaped bone in it. To be called a porterhouse steak, it has to have a portion of the tenderloin in it no smaller than 3 cm (1 ¼ inches) in diameter. This tenderloin portion in…
Round Bone Sirloin Steak
A round bone sirloin steak is cut from the sirloin area of the cow. In the steak there is a cross-section of a round bone.The steak is a cross-section of meat muscles including the bottom round (aka outside round), the tri-tip, the top sirloin and the tenderloin. The steaks cut in the sirloin are, in…
Round Steaks
Round Steak is a bit of a confusing term. Some people use it as a generic term to describe all the various steaks from the Round area, including Rump Steaks, etc. Full-Cut Round Steak A Full-Cut Round Steak is a steak cut across the Round that will contain some meat from various parts of the…
Round Tip Steak
Round Tip Steak is cut from the Round Tip Roast, which is cut across various regions of the primal Round region of a cow. It is a boneless cut. If the steak has been cut from a Round Tip Roast that has had the cap cut off (meaning the outside layer of fat, and some…
Rump Steak
What a rump steak is depends on where you are. North Americans have a completely different interpretation from the rest of the English-speaking world, and in France, it is completely different again, taken to higher levels of refinement. When you are looking at recipes for rump steak, it’s very important to suss out what audience…