They’ll never know there’s beet in it.
Black Forest Cake Day
The 28th of March is Black Forest Cake Day. It’s such a treat, so make sure you have some today — perhaps for breakfast, even! After all, it’s got fruit in it, right?!
Bundt Day
The 15th of November is Bundt Day, celebrating both the famous cake pans that let home bakers turn out cakes that look like pieces of sculpture, and the delicious cakes that are made with the pans!
Cake Boards
A cake board is a flat support placed under a cake, to make it easy to lift and transport. A cake is placed on a cake board and then spends the rest of its “life span” on the board: it is decorated on the board, transported on the board, and served from the board.
Cake Day
The 26th of November is Cake Day. Treat yourself to a slice of a cake today, whether it’s from a bakery, a café, or homemade from scratch or a mix!
Cake Flour
Cake flour is wheat flour milled from soft (lower protein) wheat. It has a lower gluten content than pastry flour, and a far lower gluten content than bread flour. Cakes need to be light and fluffy and have a very fine texture, thus you don’t want a lot of gluten developing in the batter. In…
Chocolate Cake Day
The 27th of January is Chocolate Cake Day, celebrating the wonders of just about everyone’s favourite kind of cake. Treat yourself to a piece!
Coconut Cake Recipe
This recipe requires a food processor, but on the upside, a food processor makes it lightning fast.
Eggless Butterless Milkless Cake
A classic war-time rations cake. The dried raisins would have been replaced by whatever dried fruit could be had.
German Chocolate Cake Day
The 11th of June is German Chocolate Cake Day: a day to celebrate this delicious cake with a gooey topping of coconut and pecan.
Icing and Frosting
What frosting and icing mean probably depends partly on where you are, and partly on what your mother and grandmother thought they meant.In the UK, usually only the term “icing” is used. In America, “icing” is used colloquially, but people have tended to use frosting in writing, perhaps because it sounds like a more proper…
Lemon Chiffon Cake Day
The 29th of March is Lemon Chiffon Cake Day. Light in texture and taste, it’s the perfect cake for spring.
Lemon Rosemary Cake Recipe
There are very few recipes where you actually need to fuss about using fresh versus dried herbs, but this is one where the dried version of rosemary just wouldn’t do it.
Muffins can be like bread or like cake. The muffins “native” to the UK are like bread. English Muffins use yeast as the leavener. In North America, an English-style muffin is called an English Muffin. In the UK, an American-style muffin is often called an American muffin. American muffins are more like a cake. They…
Parkin Cake Recipe
This cake is traditionally made a day or two ahead of Guy Fawke’s Night, then served on the night at the bonfire gathering.
Quick Trailer Park Birthday Cake Recipe
Especially useful for those times when you’re caught off guard by someone in the park having a birthday. Just whip this together, give your double-wide a once-through for a quick tidy, and you’re ready to rock!
Royal Icing
Royal Icing is a thin icing mixture that dries to be very, very hard.No fat is used in the icing mix. It’s made from egg white and icing sugar. The absence of fat lets it dry rock hard; fat would keep it soft. In the UK, it used for the “high holiday” cakes — Christmas…
Soul Cakes Recipe
Soul Cakes are a traditional English dessert that makes its appearance on All Soul’s Day. Though the English refer to them as (small) cakes, North Americans would likely say cookies.
Sponge Cake Day
The 23rd of August is Sponge Cake Day! What’s a Sponge Cake? And what makes it spongey, anyway? Find out today!
Toffeed Pear Cake Recipe
Even those who are sometimes leery of pears owing to their texture will love this cake.
Unrefined Icing Sugar
Unrefined icing sugar is like standard icing sugar (aka confectioner’s sugar), but it is made from unrefined sugar so that it has a pale-brown colour and a bit of a caramel/toffee taste. Substitutes Standard icing sugar Nutrition Same as sugar; see Nutrition in main sugar entry. Equivalents As for icing sugar
Victoria Sponge Cake
A classic English cake.
Zuccotto is a cake made in Tuscany in the shape of a dome, or, some say, a skull cap. It consists of pieces of sponge cake (Pan di Spagna) along with whipped cream or mousse, chocolate and nuts. It often has a layer of fruit for its base. To make Zuccotto you line a mould…