S. Hermann & F. Richter / Pixabay.com / 2017/ CC0 1.0
The 1st of June is World Milk Day.
It is promoted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
The day is designed to create an opportunity to highlight dairy milk as a global food, and to focus on the global milk industry that produces it.
Each year has a different specific theme.
To observe the day, there will be concerts, conferences, school activities, seminars, and competitions. In some places, the public will be invited to farms to view aspects of milk production.
#EnjoyDairy #WorldMilkDay
Web page: https://worldmilkday.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dairygivesyougo
See also: Milk, Milk Day, World Plant Milk Day, Milk Day (India), Milk in Bottles Day, Anniversary of First Pasteurisation Test
Activities for today
- have a glass of milk today;
- look for a recipe that features milk — perhaps a sauce, a milk pudding, a custard, a milkshake;
- make homemade butter or a homemade fresh cheese such as ricotta;
make homemade yoghurt.
School activities: Dairy Farmers of Ontario. How to Celebrate World School Milk Day in Your School. (link valid as of May 2021)
World Milk Day started in 2001: “World Milk Day was initiated in 2001 by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)”. [1]World Milk Day. International Dairy Federation. Accessed May 2021 at https://www.fil-idf.org/world-milk-day/
The 1st of June was chosen for the day as many countries were already observing a milk day around this date.
In 2018 the theme was, “Does the source of calcium matter”? In 2021, the theme was “Sustainability in the dairy sector”.
Dairy Farmers of Canada. Canadian dairy farmers celebrate World Milk Day. Ottawa, Canada: Newswire.ca. 1 June 2017. Accessed May 2021 at https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/canadian-dairy-farmers-celebrate-world-milk-day-625663434.html
International Dairy Foods Association. Raise a Glass: June 1 is World Milk Day. 30 May 2018. Accessed May 2021 at https://www.idfa.org/news-views/headline-news/article/2018/05/30/raise-a-glass-june-1-is-world-milk-day
World Milk Day. International Dairy Federation. Accessed May 2021 at https://www.fil-idf.org/world-milk-day/
World Milk Day. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Accessed May 2021 at http://www.fao.org/economic/est/est-commodities/dairy/school-milk/15th-world-milk-day/en/.
↑1 | World Milk Day. International Dairy Federation. Accessed May 2021 at https://www.fil-idf.org/world-milk-day/ |